How to Pitch Your Business to CNBC TV Shows and Gain National Exposure

Want to elevate your business? Dream of reaching more people across the nation? Pitching to CNBC TV shows can open that door.

What’s the best way to stand out and grab a spot on CNBC? Let’s explore effective tips and strategies.


Why Getting on TV is Beneficial for Your Business

Being on national TV can greatly help your business. It helps people know your brand, see you as an industry leader, get more customers, and increase sales. TV gives your business a trust level that’s hard to find elsewhere.

One big plus of TV is reaching lots of people. TV lets you connect with those who might not know your brand. This can make more people recognize your brand and get your name out there.

Being on TV also makes your business look good. When people see your brand on TV, they think it’s reliable and trustworthy. This belief can make more customers come and stay.

TV is a great way to tell people about your brand and what you offer. Appearing on TV lets you show off your products or services to many. It’s a chance to share your knowledge and teach people about what you do.

“TV exposure offers a level of credibility that is hard to replicate through other forms of media.”

Sharing your knowledge on TV shows you’re an expert. This can open doors to more media spots, like talks or teaming up with industry leaders. It makes you stand out as a thought leader and boosts your business’s image.

Overall, TV is an amazing way to make more people know about your brand, get new clients, and grow your business. The benefits go beyond just making sales. They help build your brand and make you well-known in your industry. Getting on TV is a smart move for your business.

TV Exposure for Business Growth: A Comparison

Traditional Advertising Online Marketing TV Exposure
Limited audience reach Competition for online visibility Wide audience reach
Requires continuous investment Dependent on changing algorithms High credibility and reputation building
Less personal connection Can be ignored or blocked Establishes genuine trust and authority
May be perceived as intrusive Can be easily overlooked Offers captivating visual storytelling

The table above shows TV’s unique benefits versus other advertising forms. TV reaches more people, builds trust, and tells engaging stories. It’s a powerful way to stand out and impact viewers.

Tailoring Your Pitch to Meet the Needs of CNBC TV Shows

When pitching your business to CNBC TV shows, one size does not fit all. Each show looks for something special, based on what their viewers like. To improve your chances, you need to craft your pitch for the show you aim at.

This means showing you know what the show needs and how you can add value. Start by learning all you can about the show’s market and audience. Find out what topics they explore and who they usually have on. This info will help you make your pitch align with their content.

Doing this raises the likelihood producers will like your pitch.

Avoid being too salesy when you put your pitch together. Rather, show the unique benefits you bring to the show and its audience. Prove that you get who watches the show and how they could benefit from what you know or sell.

This way, you’ll stand out and make your pitch more attractive to CNBC’s producers.

Watching a few show segments can also offer great insights. Notice their style, tone, and how they do things. It’ll help you make your pitch match their style, which could make producers more interested.

Remember, a custom pitch for CNBC TV shows is key to catching producers’ eyes and getting featured. By doing your homework, understanding the audience, and tailoring your pitch, you boost your chances of success. This could lead to amazing national exposure for your business.

Show Target Audience Topics Covered Preferred Expertise/Guests
Squawk Box Investors, business professionals Stock market, business news CEOs, financial experts, analysts
The Profit Entrepreneurs, small business owners Business turnaround, entrepreneurship Struggling business owners, experts in business growth
Mad Money Individual investors Stock picks, investment strategies Financial analysts, CEOs, industry experts

Finding the Correct Contact Person for Your Pitch

Finding the right person for your CNBC pitch is crucial. It makes sure your pitch goes to the right people. So, how can you find this person?

Start by checking the CNBC show’s website. Look for pitching tips or contact info. They might have specific steps for you to follow.

Sometimes, there are producers or teams just for pitches. Make sure to contact the right one. Check their names and titles on the website or show credits. Getting their names right helps make a good impression.

If there’s no contact info, they might use booking agents. If so, find out which agents CNBC works with. Booking agents know the producers well and can help with your pitch.

Tip: Always follow the guidelines when contacting agents or producers. Respect their time and how they prefer things done.

After finding the right contact or agent, create a unique pitch. It should show why your business is a good match for the CNBC show. Make your pitch appeal to the show’s viewers and offer value.

Finding the Correct Contact Person for Your Pitch

Steps to Finding the Correct Contact Person for Your CNBC Pitch Benefits
Visit the show’s website and look for contact information or pitching tips. Increased chances of reaching the right person.
Identify designated producers or production teams mentioned on the website or in credits. Personalized approach and higher likelihood of getting noticed.
Research booking agents or talent agencies that work with CNBC. Access to established relationships and industry expertise.
Follow any submission guidelines provided by the contact person or agency. Respectful and professional communication.
Craft a personalized pitch highlighting the value you can bring to the CNBC show. Increased chances of grabbing the producers’ attention.

By getting the right contact and pitching the right way, you boost your chance of success. This could get your business on CNBC and in front of the nation.

Creating the Right Marketing Materials to Stand Out

To get noticed for a CNBC TV show slot, you must create compelling marketing materials. These materials need to show why you are the better choice. Here are tips to make your TV pitch presentation strategies more effective:

Highlight Your Unique Value Proposition

Focus on emphasizing your unique value proposition when making your materials. Ask yourself what makes your business special? Be clear about your strengths and the value you add.

Show Evidence of Your Expertise and Credibility

Your marketing materials should showcase your expertise and credibility. Include important info such as your company’s growth, achievements, and what makes you different. Adding testimonials or case studies will back up your claims.

Design Visually Appealing Materials

Make sure your marketing pieces are visually appealing and look good. Use quality images, engaging graphics, and straightforward text. Your materials’ design should mirror your business’s professionalism and quality.

Valuable Pitch Materials for CNBC TV Pitch Presentation Strategies
Clear and concise pitch letter Highlight your unique value proposition
Engaging slideshow or presentation Show evidence of your expertise and credibility
Well-designed visuals and graphics Design visually appealing materials
Case studies or success stories Use storytelling to connect with the audience

Creating Effective Marketing Materials for TV Pitch

By using these strategies and making excellent pitch materials, your chances of getting noticed by CNBC will go up. Make sure your materials highlight your unique offer, prove your expertise, and are easy on the eyes.

Crafting an Interesting Hook or Angle for Your Pitch

When you want to pitch to CNBC, it’s key to grab their attention quickly. Think of why your voice matters more than others and what unique value you bring. Your pitch should highlight what makes you different and interesting to CNBC viewers. A strong hook or angle helps you stand out and boosts your chance of getting noticed.

Linking your pitch to current news makes it more appealing. By keeping up with the latest news, your pitch feels timely and relevant. Think about how your insights connect with today’s economic trends or key industry news. This makes your pitch more relevant and shows you understand the business world today.

Lets say your product is about sustainable energy. You could point out the growing need for clean energy solutions. Then, connect it to the latest in renewable energy progress or policies. This shows you’re up-to-date and an expert in your area.

“By leveraging my innovative energy-saving technology, businesses can cut costs and help the environment. With new government clean energy initiatives, now is the perfect time to show how our product fits with the sustainability movement.”

By creating a compelling hook and tying it to current events, you can grab the attention of CNBC producers. This boosts your chances of getting on their shows.

capturing attention with a TV pitch

Keeping Your Pitch Clear, Concise, and Personal

When you pitch your business to CNBC TV shows, remember three things: clarity, conciseness, and personal touch. A concise TV pitch for CNBC grabs the producers’ attention fast. Don’t drown them in too much info or complex words that push the audience away. Instead, talk in a friendly way that people can relate to.

Good communication means getting to your point quickly and with confidence. By making your pitch clear and short, people will remember it. Try to keep it to one page, as short pitches work best on TV.

Adding a personal touch to your pitch shows you know the CNBC show well. Get to know the show you want to pitch to. Make your pitch fit what their audience likes to watch. By making your pitch clear, short, and suited for CNBC viewers, you’re more likely to get noticed by producers.

concise TV pitch for CNBC

Leveraging Current News in Your Pitch

To make your pitch stand out, link it to current news. If focused on business, see how it fits with today’s economic scene or trends. This makes your pitch timely and more likely to get noticed. Show how you can add to the news discussion with your insights.

Include current news in your pitch by showing how your business tackles a current problem or seizes a new opportunity. Say a new law affects your field, explain how your business will adapt. This proves you know the market and that your idea matters now.

relevance of news in TV pitches

Use a recent news story related to your business for another strategy. If CNBC has covered a big event or trend in your field, highlight your knowledge. Showing you have unique views can get the producers’ attention.

Incorporating current news makes your pitch relevant and shows you’re up-to-date and insightful.

When adding news to your pitch, be real and avoid off-topic items. Your pitch should match the news and smoothly show the significance of your business or idea. By using current news well, your pitch becomes more interesting and persuasive.

Media Etiquette and On-Camera Skills

Appearing on CNBC or any TV show means you need good media etiquette and on-camera skills. You must practice being relaxed in front of a camera. Also, it’s key to speak your lines confidently. Having your own special style will help make your interview or appearance lively and unforgettable.

Feeling at ease on camera helps you seem more genuine. This boosts your trustworthiness. And it makes what you have to say more powerful. Remember, it’s not just about sharing information well. It’s about forming a connection with those watching and leaving a strong impression.

Wondering how to get better at being on TV? Here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Practice speaking in front of a camera: Record yourself with a camera or smartphone. Look at your body language, how you express yourself, and how you speak. Identify what you could do better.
  2. Deliver your lines effectively: Aim to speak plainly and to the point. Avoid long, unclear statements or too much technical language. Keep an eye on how quickly you speak and how clearly. Make sure your main points are expressed well and truly connect with those listening.
  3. Showcase your personality: Let your individuality and energy show in your interviews or appearances. This makes you memorable. Letting your passion show is a good thing.
  4. Follow media etiquette: Always be polite and respectful to everyone on the set. Be on time, come prepared, and listen to any advice or rules. Act professionally at all times.

Being on camera is your chance to show your expertise to more people. With great on-camera abilities and proper media manners, your likelihood of success on CNBC or any show goes up.

on-camera skills for TV interviews

Expert Tip: Delivering Lines Effectively on TV

Getting your lines right on TV is about finding a balance. Practice them to make sure you can say them smoothly. Yet, don’t sound like you’ve memorized them. Aim for a friendly tone that draws in viewers and builds trust.

Industry Insights: Being Comfortable On-Camera

Getting comfortable on camera comes with practice. Begin by recording yourself, checking your performance, and adjusting. Soon, you’ll be more relaxed on camera. This lets your true self come through and your message hit home with your audience.

Key On-Camera Skills Importance
Confidence Builds credibility and engages the audience
Authenticity Makes the pitch more relatable and impactful
Clear delivery Ensures the audience understands the message
Effective body language Enhances overall communication and engagement

The Benefits of National TV Exposure for Your Business

Being on National TV can change your business greatly. Appearing on CNBC boosts your brand, draws more clients, and increases sales. It makes you look like an expert and builds trust. Your reputation grows with TV spots, making people see you as a top figure.

benefits of national TV exposure for business

National TV exposure can really up your brand’s fame. If CNBC talks about your business, many will learn about you. This makes new customers or clients take interest in what you have to offer.

TV not only makes your brand known but brings in more clients. Being on a CNBC show as the expert makes viewers trust you. They’re more likely to pick you over others because of this trust.

TV exposure doesn’t just attract new clients. It also opens doors to more media chances. After being on CNBC, you might get noticed by other outlets. They could ask you for articles, interviews, or to work together. These chances help you reach more people and strengthen your expert status.

Also, being on TV can lead to more sales. Seeing you on CNBC makes people trust your products or services more. This trust can push them to buy, boosting your sales and money made. Being on TV gives you an edge, making customers act fast.

In the end, being on TV is great for your business. It makes more people know your brand and brings in clients. Try to get your business on CNBC TV shows. The effects on your brand and earnings can be huge.

Many businesses have soared after appearing on CNBC TV shows. Their stories inspire entrepreneurs wanting TV exposure. CNBC’s features can significantly boost a business’s visibility and reach.

Getting on CNBC means more people know your brand. This can bring in new customers and open up fresh opportunities. Partnerships and investments may follow, helping a business grow.

CNBC gives businesses nationwide attention. This helps them reach more people and be seen as industry experts. It builds credibility and attracts new customers, strengthening their market position.

“Being featured on CNBC was a game-changer for my business. The increased brand recognition and credibility from the feature helped us secure significant partnerships and expand our client base.” – John Smith, CEO of XYZ Company

Many report a boost in sales after appearing on CNBC. Their unique value is showcased, setting them apart. It builds trust and attracts customers.

Stories of success from CNBC show how TV can transform a business. Increased recognition, new partnerships, and growth stem from these appearances, ensuring long-term success.

success stories on CNBC

Success Story: XYZ Company

XYZ Company’s story stands out. Featured in “Tech Innovators,” their technology was highlighted. The CNBC spotlight led to more client interest, boosting sales. It also paved the way for strategic partnerships and more funding for growth.

Features on CNBC have a huge impact. They offer businesses a chance to shine on a national level, opening doors to success.


Pitching your business to CNBC TV shows takes careful work. Follow the tips in this article to boost your chances of getting on TV. By doing the right research, making a clear pitch, and using current news, your pitch will stand out. With good prep and the right pitch, you can show you’re an expert. This can get your business valuable attention on CNBC TV shows.

Being on CNBC can make more people know your brand. It can bring in more clients and up your sales. When you’re on national TV, it shows you’re trustworthy and different from competitors. Opportunities like talks, collaborations, and partnerships may come. CNBC can really help grow your business and improve your standing as a field expert.

In summary, pitching to CNBC TV shows can get your business noticed nationally. Use the strategies from this article for a pitch that gets producers’ attention. Make sure to really know the show, tailor your pitch, and use the latest news to highlight your knowledge. The right pitch can make CNBC a key place to show off your business to many people. This can open doors to many new chances for growth.


How can pitching my business to CNBC TV shows benefit me?

Pitching your business to CNBC can really boost your visibility. It puts your brand in front of a huge audience. This can bring in more customers and sales, making your business grow.

How should I tailor my pitch to meet the needs of CNBC TV shows?

Each CNBC show wants something different. Learn about their audience and shape your pitch to match. Show how you can offer value to their viewers without selling too hard.

How do I find the correct contact person at CNBC to pitch my business?

To pitch to CNBC, start by visiting the show’s site for contact info. Shows might have specific producers or agents for this. Make your pitch personal and follow their guidelines to stand out.

What marketing materials should I have to stand out in my CNBC pitch?

Make sure your materials show why you’re a great choice. Highlight what makes you different and your successes. Include growth plans and any unique points to beat the competition.

How can I create an interesting hook or angle for my CNBC pitch?

Think about what makes your message special. Use a unique story or viewpoint to grab attention. Linking your pitch to recent news can also make it more relevant and engaging.

How should I communicate my pitch to CNBC producers?

Keep your pitch to CNBC brief, clear, and personal. Avoid too much jargon. Speak like you’re telling a friend, showing that you know what the show and its viewers need.

How can I leverage current news in my CNBC pitch?

Linking your pitch to the latest news makes it more interesting. It shows you’re up-to-date and your pitch fits current trends. This can grab a producer’s attention more easily.

What should I consider regarding media etiquette and on-camera skills?

Being good on camera is key. Practice to speak confidently and find your own style. Being natural and engaging can really make your presentation stand out.

What are the benefits of national TV exposure for my business?

TV exposure, like on CNBC, can make people know and trust your brand. It positions you as an authority, opening up more chances for success. The more people see you, the more they’ll trust you.
CNBC can launch businesses to new heights. Many have seen more customers and new partnerships after being on air. This kind of exposure can really speed up a business’s growth.

How can I wrap up the article on pitching to CNBC TV shows?

In summary, getting on CNBC takes work and a smart approach. Use the advice here to craft a strong pitch. Do your homework, make an appealing proposal, and use recent news to your advantage.

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