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Julia Boorstin: Insights on Media & Business

Did you know about Julia Boorstin, the Senior Media & Tech Correspondent at CNBC, since 2006? She uses her deep knowledge to share fresh insights into media and business. Her stories range from the latest tech trends to the journeys of female CEOs.

Let’s explore Julia Boorstin’s life and career, including her groundbreaking projects. She’s behind the CNBC Disruptor 50 list and the “Closing the Gap” campaign. These initiatives offer us a closer look at the media world and the secrets to business success, all through Julia’s expert eyes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Julia Boorstin has been an on-air reporter for CNBC since 2006.
  • She is the Senior Media & Tech Correspondent and plays a central role on “TechCheck.”
  • Boorstin created the CNBC Disruptor 50 list to highlight innovative tech companies.
  • She initiated the “Closing the Gap” campaign, addressing gender and diversity issues in the business world.
  • Boorstin’s book, “When Women Lead,” explores the leadership traits of successful women.

julia boorstin

Biography of Julia Boorstin

Julia Boorstin stands out in the media and business world. She earned her degree from Princeton University. She then worked for Fortune magazine as a reporter. In 2006, she joined CNBC and now works as the Senior Media & Tech Correspondent.

At CNBC, Boorstin is known for her deep knowledge. She covers topics that blend media with technology. Her work shines a light on these two intersecting fields.

Boorstin has been a powerful voice in journalism throughout her career. Besides her work at CNBC, she has also been involved with CNN. Earlier, she interned at Vice President Gore’s domestic policy office.

Boorstin’s love for media and tech has made her a key source of news. She excels at explaining complicated topics. This skill has brought her respect and recognition across the industry.

Julia Boorstin’s dedication to insightful and accurate reporting stands out. Her knowledge in media and business has made her a top senior correspondent at CNBC.

Princeton University: A Foundation for Success

Princeton University was where Boorstin’s journey started. There, she gained vital skills and knowledge. This education set her on the path to success.

At Princeton, she dived into media and journalism activities. This experience prepared her well for her future. The university’s tough courses and expert teachers played a big role in her development.

Her education at Princeton gave her the tools to understand media and business. The focus was on critical thinking and analysis. This helped her face later professional challenges.

Achieving Excellence as a Senior Media & Tech Correspondent

Since 2006, when Boorstin joined CNBC, her work has been impactful. She reveals new aspects of media and technology. Her insights are valuable to her audience.

Boorstin’s role puts her at the industry’s edge. She understands complex trends well. This makes her a reliable source in media and business circles.

She covers a broad range of topics as a Senior Correspondent. These include new technology, industry shifts, and media’s societal effects. She aims to inform and educate, adding to the media and business dialogue.

Contributions to the CNBC Network

Boorstin has significantly contributed to CNBC beyond her reporting. Her dedication to important trends and viewer engagement boosts the network. Her skills enhance CNBC’s success.

Her media and tech expertise make her a key figure at CNBC. Her analyses are thorough, making difficult topics easier to understand. This solidifies her as a senior correspondent.

Contributions Impact
Insightful reporting on media and technology Keeps viewers informed and up-to-date
In-depth analysis of industry disruptions Offers valuable perspectives on the future of media and business
Engagement with viewers through various CNBC programs Establishes a strong connection between the network and its audience

Julia Boorstin continues to influence media and business through her work at CNBC. Her deep knowledge, commitment, and passion for reporting make her a key figure. She’s trusted by viewers worldwide.

Julia Boorstin’s Work Inbox

Julia Boorstin is a respected Senior Media & Tech Correspondent at CNBC. She gets a lot of email pitches every day. This shows how important she is in the media world.

Boorstin looks for pitches that are timely and relevant. She likes exclusive info on big news coming soon. Yet, she doesn’t value pitches that are late or don’t match her work at CNBC.

Boorstin is an expert in media, technology, and social media. She knows what stories will interest her audience. That’s why she prefers pitches about social media and technology.

Thanks to her openness to good pitches, Boorstin keeps CNBC viewers updated. She brings them the latest in media and technology.

julia boorstin cnbc email pitches

Next, we’ll explore how Julia Boorstin creates her stories. We’ll see how she handles the quick pace of news today.

How Julia Boorstin Writes Stories

Julia Boorstin uses a clever method for reporting at CNBC. She mixes news pegs with business insights. Keeping up with the changing news cycle helps her. This keeps her stories fresh and filled with the latest business news.

Boorstin gathers data from various sources, including pitches. She blends these pitches into her reports. This makes her stories detailed and rich, giving viewers a full picture.

She often interviews CEOs, which is a crucial part of her work. These talks offer insights straight from the industry’s heart. They show what CEOs think about their strategies and challenges, giving us a peek behind the scenes.

For Boorstin, being timely is key in TV news. She always looks for the next big thing in the business world. This helps her be a leader in media, offering stories that are not only informative but also innovative.

Understanding the business world deeply helps Boorstin write. Her knowledge in media and technology aids her. This lets her give meaningful insights, helping viewers make wise choices.

Julia Boorstin Writing Stories

Boorstin’s approach to writing is thorough. She researches well and picks engaging stories. Her skills ensure CNBC viewers get stories that are both informative and captivating.

Closing the Gap: Boorstin’s Focus on Gender and Diversity

Julia Boorstin from CNBC is working hard on gender and diversity in business. Her project, “Closing the Gap,” highlights companies trying to fix these issues. She wants to show their efforts to everyone, hoping to spark equality in the workplace.

Boorstin doesn’t just talk about the problem. She dives into what companies are actually doing to include everyone. Her stories give us a peek at successful strategies. This adds to the bigger talk about making workplaces equal and welcoming for all.

Boorstin believes in the power of stories to make a difference. She talks about the wins and hurdles of striving for equality at work. Her work helps amplify those working towards a better workplace. She encourages everyone to be part of this important change.

Closing the Gap Initiative

Highlighting Success Stories

At CNBC, Boorstin shines a light on companies making big steps in equality. She hopes these examples will motivate others to act. It’s all about showing what’s possible when we try.

“I believe in the power of sharing success stories to inspire change. By highlighting companies that are leading the way in workplace equality, we can create a ripple effect that drives positive action across the business world.” – Julia Boorstin

It’s not just about clapping for these companies. Boorstin’s stories give a guide for others to follow. By doing so, she pushes leaders to think about their own teams. She wants them to make their workplaces more diverse and welcoming.

The Path to Workplace Equality

Boorstin digs into more than just numbers. She looks at what companies are doing to be equal and inclusive. Her reports share successful methods and advice for others wanting to do the same.

  1. She looks at how unconscious bias training can address workplace biases.
  2. Boorstin checks out new ways companies hire to bring in diverse people.
  3. She talks about efforts to help diverse employees move up the ladder.

Boorstin’s stories aim to increase awareness and offer real solutions. She wants to guide companies towards making a real difference.

Fostering Collaboration and Partnerships

Boorstin knows we need to work together to achieve workplace equality. She’s always looking to start conversations and work with experts and groups. She believes in the power of coming together for this cause.

She brings different viewpoints together for big discussions. Boorstin shows us how teamwork can tackle the challenge of equality. She stresses that only by working together can we make lasting changes.

Key Takeaways Actions to Drive Workplace Equality
1. Highlight success stories • Share examples of companies closing the gender and diversity gap
• Showcase best practices and strategies
2. Explore effective initiatives • Investigate unconscious bias training programs
• Examine innovative recruitment and hiring practices
• Delve into leadership development programs
3. Foster collaboration • Facilitate conversations between stakeholders
• Engage with thought leaders and advocacy groups
• Encourage collective action

Identifying Disruptors: Julia Boorstin’s Disruptor 50 List

Julia Boorstin is CNBC’s go-to expert for media and tech stories. She created the CNBC Disruptor 50 list. This list shines a light on tech companies changing industries with new ideas. Boorstin searches for rising companies ready to take on big names in their fields.

disruptive technology companies

“The Disruptor 50 list helps spotlight tech companies changing the game. They’re transforming old industries and leading us into the future,” Boorstin states.

Boorstin puts together the list after a lot of research. It includes famous firms like Uber and Airbnb. SpaceX and Coursera have also been featured.

Revolutionizing Industries Across the Board

The Disruptor 50 list covers many industries. From travel and hotels to health and learning. Boorstin finds companies with tech that changes how we live and work.

These firms use top tech like AI and blockchain to make new products and services. They shake up old business ways. This is changing what consumers expect and industry norms.

Shaking Up Established Giants

The list aims to show emerging firms’ potential against big players. Boorstin looks at their strategies and growth chances. She sees how they might affect the market leaders.

The Disruptor 50 list starts important talks on disruptive tech. It guides investors, creators, and business chiefs. It promotes new ideas and innovation.

Industry Disruptive Companies
Transportation Uber, Lyft, Grab
Hospitality Airbnb, OYO
Financial Technology Stripe, Revolut, Square
E-commerce Shopify, Wish, Pinduoduo
Healthcare Tempus, 23andMe, Moderna

These examples show some disruptors Julia Boorstin is watching. They could change many industries.

Lessons from Women Leaders: Julia Boorstin’s Book

Julia Boorstin is CNBC’s Senior Media & Tech Correspondent. She interviewed over 60 women CEOs and leaders. These interviews inspired her to write “When Women Lead,” which looks at why these women are great leaders.

Boorstin discovered key leadership qualities from her research. She found empathy to be vital. It lets women connect deeply with their teams, creating a positive environment.

Boorstin also saw the power of vulnerability. Women leaders showing vulnerability build trust. This leads to a team willing to take risks and innovate.

Communal Management Styles and Valuing Diversity

“When Women Lead” explores communal management. This style focuses on collaboration and sharing decisions. It helps capture diverse thoughts, boosting teamwork and success, according to Boorstin.

Diversity is crucial, Boorstin notes. She argues that different perspectives make decision-making better. It gives businesses an edge in the global market.

Investing in Mentorship

The book also stresses mentorship’s role. Women CEOs mentoring others benefits everyone. It inspires the next generation and gives leaders fresh insights, Boorstin writes.

Boorstin shares lessons from these leaders, useful for all aspiring leaders. Her book highlights the impact of women in leadership. It encourages embracing vital leadership traits.

Boorstin’s insights come from her vast experience. She offers a unique view on the topic of women leaders. Her work aims for a more inclusive future, inspiring women to lead boldly.

Women CEOs

Women in the Financial World: Julia Boorstin’s Conversation with Kelly Coffey

Julia Boorstin of CNBC talked with Kelly Coffey, CEO of City National Bank. They explored how women in finance deal with challenges and succeed. Their talk threw light on what makes female finance leaders shine.

Their conversation highlighted staying true to oneself and valuing unique traits. They told inspiring tales of women who broke barriers and excelled in finance. Such stories motivate us all.

Julia Boorstin: “It was truly inspiring to hear Kelly’s perspective and experiences as the CEO of City National Bank. She has paved the way for women leaders in finance and demonstrated the power of female leadership.”

Boorstin and Coffey spoke on how diversity drives innovation in finance. Women bring new ideas and approaches. They stressed the importance of more women in top roles and an inclusive work culture.

Having women in finance leadership is key for gender equality and future opportunities. Their discussion showed women’s progress in finance. It also pointed out the need for ongoing efforts towards a fair and diverse sector.

Julia Boorstin’s chat with Kelly Coffey spotlights women’s finance achievements and their continual push for industry improvement. It’s a reminder of their role in shaping a better finance world.

The Future of Local Journalism: Insights from Journalists

The world of journalism has seen big changes lately. Julia Boorstin, a well-known media expert, has talked with journalists from NBC News, Fortune Magazine, and Digital Trends. They discussed what the future might hold for local news.

These talks help us understand journalism’s changing landscape. They explore how the industry can move forward in the digital world. Topics include how people’s reading habits are changing, the economics of news, and technology’s role.

Exploring Changing Consumption Habits

Audiences are changing how they consume news because of digital platforms and social media. Traditional news is trying to find new ways to connect. Boorstin and others looked at how these changes affect delivering local news in a world flooded with information.

The Economic Realities of Local Journalism

Local journalism faces financial challenges but also opportunities. The drop in print ads and the rise of digital have changed how news makes money. Boorstin talked with journalists from different outlets to find new ways for news to thrive financially.

The Role of Technology in Journalism

Technology has dramatically changed journalism. As digital tools grow, journalists are learning new ways to report and tell stories. Boorstin’s discussions with journalists from NBC News, Fortune Magazine, and Digital Trends look into how technology can improve local journalism.

“The future of local journalism lies in understanding the changing habits of our audience, exploring innovative revenue models, and leveraging technology to tell compelling stories,” says Boorstin.

As local journalism evolves, these discussions offer insights for journalists, media professionals, and readers. They reveal the hurdles and opportunities for innovation and progress in the field.

Key Insights:
Changing consumption habits of audiences
Economic realities and sustainable business models
The role of technology in shaping journalism
Innovative monetization strategies

future of local journalism

Coffee with Journalists: Julia Boorstin’s Podcast

Meet “Coffee with Journalists,” a podcast by Julia Boorstin. She talks with journalists from all around. It’s perfect for those who love journalism and PR.

This podcast is a space for journalists to share their stories and advice. Boorstin explores journalism’s highs and lows. It’s great for aspiring journalists, PR folks, and anyone interested in media.

PR Resources and Expert Advice

Looking for PR tools and wisdom to boost your media strategy? You’re in the right spot. Every episode of “Coffee with Journalists” is packed with tips and secrets for better media relations.

“Listening to ‘Coffee with Journalists’ has been a game-changer for me and my team. The tips and advice shared by Julia Boorstin and her guests have transformed our PR efforts.”
– Sarah, PR Manager

Stay Up-to-Date with the Latest Episodes and Blog Releases

Keep up with “Coffee with Journalists'” newest episodes and blogs. Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform and follow Julia Boorstin on Twitter for more updates.

Join the “Coffee with Journalists” community. Discover new PR strategies and learn from leading figures in journalism and media relations. Julia Boorstin and her guests are ready to guide you.

Coffee with Journalists

Key Features of “Coffee with Journalists” Benefits
Conversations with journalists from various publications Gain diverse perspectives and insights
Expert advice and tips for PR professionals Elevate your media outreach strategy
Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes Maintain a competitive edge
Access to valuable PR resources Enhance your media relations efforts


Julia Boorstin, from CNBC, knows a lot about media and business. She’s seen a lot in her career. Her work, like Closing the Gap and the Disruptor 50 list, highlights important issues and new trends. Her book, “When Women Lead,” talks about how successful women lead. It starts a discussion on the need for more women in business.

Julia’s work has a big impact on the media and business world. She’s known as a reliable journalist and expert. She loves to tell stories. This passion helps her share unique views on the changing media and tech world.

Julia has made a big difference at CNBC as a senior media & tech correspondent. She covers big topics like media, business, and tech. Julia shines a light on innovative companies, celebrates women leaders, and talks about equality at work. Her reporting brings out stories that matter. It encourages people to think and learn.


Who is Julia Boorstin?

Julia Boorstin works as the Senior Media & Tech Correspondent for CNBC. She joined the network in 2006. Julia is known for her role on “TechCheck” and for starting the CNBC Disruptor 50 list.

What is Julia Boorstin’s background?

Julia graduated from Princeton University and worked at Fortune magazine before CNBC. She also contributed to CNN and interned at Vice President Gore’s office.

How can I get in touch with Julia Boorstin for PR pitches?

When emailing Julia Boorstin, share news that’s set to be released soon. She looks for pitches that match her CNBC coverage, especially in social media and tech.

What approach does Julia Boorstin take when writing stories for CNBC?

Julia finds stories by connecting news to business. She combines these stories with the current news cycle. Julia aims to include CEO interviews or move stories forward. In TV news, speed is key.

What is Julia Boorstin’s focus on gender and diversity in the business world?

Julia started “Closing the Gap” at CNBC. This effort shines a light on firms actively working on gender and diversity issues. Her work adds to the debate on workplace equality.

What is Julia Boorstin’s Disruptor 50 list?

Julia created the CNBC Disruptor 50 list. It showcases private firms changing their industries with new tech. Companies like Uber and SpaceX have been on the list.

What does Julia Boorstin’s book “When Women Lead” explore?

Through interviews with over 60 women leaders for “When Women Lead,” Julia explores what makes these women excel. The book looks into traits of successful female leaders.

What did Julia Boorstin and Kelly Coffey discuss in their conversation?

Julia and Kelly Coffey talked about women’s leadership in finance. They discussed leadership qualities in women. They also shared stories of successful female entrepreneurs.

What insights does Julia Boorstin provide on the future of local journalism?

Julia has talked with journalists about the future of their field. She’s gathered insights on local journalism’s challenges and opportunities.

What is Julia Boorstin’s podcast “Coffee with Journalists” about?

On her podcast, Julia chats with journalists from various outlets. “Coffee with Journalists” offers insights into journalism and tips for PR folks.

How has Julia Boorstin’s work shaped the media and business landscape?

Julia Boorstin’s role at CNBC gives her unique insights into media and business. Her reporting, initiatives, and book have sparked significant industry discussions.