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Pete Najarian CNBC: Height, Age, Bio & Facts

Did you know Pete Najarian was a renowned options trader and television personality? But that’s not all. He was also a former college football player. These roles have made him quite unique in both finance and entertainment. Now, let’s dive into the life and successes of Pete Najarian. He’s known for his work on CNBC’s Fast Money and is a true expert in the stock market.

pete najarian cnbc height age bio

Key Takeaways:

  • Pete Najarian is a co-founder of optionMONSTER and Market Rebellion.
  • He played college football with the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers.
  • Najarian is known for his role as a contributor on CNBC’s show Fast Money.
  • He has made significant contributions to options education and trading strategies.
  • Pete Najarian continues to be actively involved in the finance industry and the stock market.

Early Life and Football Career

Pete Najarian, a prominent figure in the finance industry, had a fascinating early life and a successful college football career.

Born in Minnesota, Najarian grew to love football early on. He played college football at the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. There, Najarian shined as a linebacker, showing his skills and love for the game.

His hard work led to him being named to the All-Big Ten second-team for three years. He also received the prestigious Carl Eller award three times. This honored his role as one of the top defensive players in college football.

Additionally, Najarian was chosen as the team’s captain in 1985. His leadership and talent were key in leading his team to success.

Following college, Najarian played professional football. He joined the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Minnesota Vikings in the NFL. This period marked his continued passion and commitment to football.

Najarian’s football career did more than highlight his athletic skill. It also helped prepare him for a successful career in finance. The discipline, teamwork, and determination he learned on the field became invaluable in his later pursuits.

Career in Options Trading and Television

Pete Najarian became well known for his options trading skills and TV charisma. He started trading options in 1992, quickly standing out with his sharp market insights.

Between 2000 to 2004, he led Mercury Trading. He showed great leadership and knew the options market inside out. Under him, the company flourished.

Pete Najarian Mercury Trading

In 2007, Najarian helped start optionMONSTER. This was a game-changer. It provided valuable news and education on options. Both beginners and experts learned a lot from it.

His big moment was joining CNBC’s Fast Money. On the show, Pete Najarian became very popular. He explained complex market trends in simple terms. This made him a go-to person for investment advice.

On Fast Money, he used his experience to give helpful tips. He had a knack for predicting market moves. Fans really appreciated his insights.

“Fast Money was a great chance for me to share my love for options trading. I’m glad I could help viewers make smart investment choices. It’s an honor to be on such an empowering show.”

Co-founding Market Rebellion

In 2016, Pete Najarian started Market Rebellion. This platform is all about teaching options trading. It offers webinars and personal coaching. It helps traders master their skills in this fast-paced market.

Thanks to his entrepreneurial drive, Najarian achieved great success. He has had a big impact on options trading and TV. Many traders and investors look up to him.

Keep an eye out for the next section. It will cover more about Pete Najarian’s ventures and advisory roles. These have made him a key figure in finance.

Other Ventures and Advisory Roles

Pete Najarian is known for more than just options trading and TV spots. He’s dived into other finance and investment ventures too. He has helped advise several companies, sharing his wide industry knowledge.

Co-founder of tradeMONSTER

He helped start the online brokerage tradeMONSTER in 2008. This platform stood out for its cutting-edge technology and easy-to-use design. Najarian was key in creating and growing the platform. He ensured traders got a smooth and effective experience.

Advisory Board Member of NaturalShrimp Inc.

Najarian also helps advise NaturalShrimp Inc., an eco-friendly shrimp farming company. His insights aid in the firm’s key decisions and growth. He contributes his vast experience to help the company excel.

Pete Najarian’s involvement in these projects shows his broad impact on the finance world. His advice and know-how benefits traders and companies alike. He helps them find success and grow in their fields.

Now, let’s look at how tradeMONSTER and NaturalShrimp Inc. have flourished with Najarian’s help:

tradeMONSTER NaturalShrimp Inc.
Inception 2008
Founder(s) Pete Najarian, Dirk Mueller
Industry Online Brokerage
Key Features Advanced trading platform, user-friendly interface
Growth and Recognition N/A
Advisory Board Pete Najarian
Corporate Background N/A

Pete Najarian

Personal Life and Family

Pete Najarian is known for his finance success. But, his family also plays a big part in his life. He is married to Lisa Najarian. They have a life filled with joy. Pete also comes from a family with a strong heritage. This background has helped shape his journey.

His father, John Najarian, was a famous transplant surgeon. He made big strides in medicine. Pete grew up learning about hard work, pushing through, and caring from him. His dad’s achievements inspired Pete in his career.

Pete has three brothers, including Jon Najarian. Jon shares Pete’s interest in finance. He works in options trading and on TV. Their expertise uplifts the finance world. Each brother has left a mark.

The success of the Najarian family drives Pete in his life and work. Their strong bond and high standards have guided Pete’s career.

Pete Najarian and Family

Family Member Profession
John Najarian Renowned transplant surgeon
Jon Najarian Options trader and television personality

Education and Background

Pete Najarian’s path to success has deep roots in his education and early life. He studied at the University of Minnesota. There, he shone both in his studies and as a star football player.

At the University of Minnesota, Najarian explored finance deeply, earning a significant degree. His learning wasn’t confined to classrooms alone. On the football field, he learned discipline, teamwork, and how to keep pushing forward.

Golden Gophers Football

Najarian was a committed player on the Golden Gophers football team. His dedication and talent made him stand out. He greatly contributed to the team’s success as a linebacker.

For three years in a row, he was named to the All-Big Ten second-team. He also won the Carl Eller award three times. In 1985, his leadership skills made him the team captain, showing his influence in college football.

University of Minnesota Football

Being a part of the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers football team shaped me both as an athlete and an individual. I learned the importance of dedication, discipline, and hard work, qualities that have carried over into my professional career in options trading and television.

Najarian’s journey in finance and TV is built on his education and football days. With a strong background and essential life skills, he’s navigated the complex world of options trading. He’s now a known face on TV, sharing his financial insights.

Contributions to Financial Education

Pete Najarian has made big waves in how people learn about trading options. He played a key role in starting optionMONSTER and Market Rebellion. These sites are go-to places for folks wanting to get better at options trading.

optionMONSTER, started by Najarian, dishes out news and tips on options trading. It gives traders the know-how to deal with market ups and downs. They learn to make smart trading moves.

Then there’s Market Rebellion, another project by Najarian. It’s all about learning options trading inside out. Through courses, webinars, and one-on-one coaching, traders grow their skills. They spot chances to make money in the options market.

Najarian has been a beacon for many wanting to dive into options trading. He’s simplified tough ideas. Now, traders can make choices that pay off.

“Options trading can seem scary at first. But with proper learning and advice, anyone can master it. At Market Rebellion, we give traders what they need to find success and reach their financial dreams.”

– Pete Najarian

Najarian’s push for financial knowledge has earned him great respect. He’s not just made traders smarter; he’s brought investors closer. His work has built a stronger trading community.

Pete Najarian keeps making a mark on options trading. His efforts mean traders at all levels can do well in today’s stock market.

options education

Social Media Presence

Pete Najarian knows the value of social media for connecting with people and sharing important info. He’s really into using Twitter. On it, Pete posts insights about the stock market, options trading, and his TV spots.

Following Pete on Twitter keeps you in the loop about finance news. You’ll get insights from his experiences as a trader and TV figure. His Twitter is great for anyone into trading or following the stock market.

Engaging with an Audience

Twitter lets Pete Najarian talk with his followers directly. He can answer their questions and clear up market trends and investing tips.

Also, Twitter helps Pete reach more people than just his TV audience. He shares his thoughts online. This lets more people learn from him, even those without cable TV or who don’t watch financial shows.

A Platform for Knowledge Sharing

Being active on Twitter, Pete shares knowledge and resources. He uses simple tweets and hashtags to guide followers to helpful articles, videos, and more. This helps them get better at stock market and options trading.

“Social media allows me to share information, insights, and resources with a broader audience. I believe in the power of education and empowering individuals to make informed financial decisions.” – Pete Najarian

Pete also interacts with other experts on Twitter. This adds more views to the conversation and helps his followers get a full picture.


Pete Najarian Twitter

Key Features of Pete Najarian’s Social Media Presence Benefits
Regular updates and insights Stay informed about market trends
Real-time engagement Direct interaction with Pete Najarian and the opportunity to have questions answered
Knowledge sharing Access educational resources to enhance understanding of finance and options trading
Broadened reach Connect with a wider audience beyond television appearances


Pete Najarian has greatly influenced the finance world as a well-known options trader and TV figure. Through his CNBC’s Fast Money role, he’s reached many viewers. He’s known for his deep knowledge and advice in finance.

He owes his success to his vast options trading experience and clear communication skills. He breaks down complex finance ideas for all to understand. Whether discussing market trends or trading tips, he’s a key resource for all investors.

Najarian leads in finance, thanks to founding optionMONSTER and Market Rebellion. His commitment to teaching options trading has changed lives. He helps people make smart stock market choices.

His role on CNBC’s Fast Money has cemented Najarian as a top options trader. His advice and insights continue to influence the industry greatly. He’s a sought-after expert for those needing guidance in the market.


Who is Pete Najarian?

Pete Najarian is known for his work as an American options trader and TV personality. He co-founded optionMONSTER and often appears on CNBC’s Fast Money as a market analyst.

What is Pete Najarian’s background in football?

Pete played as a linebacker for the University of Minnesota Golden Gophers. His college football career was distinguished with many awards.He was named to the All-Big Ten second-team three times. He also won the Carl Eller award for three years straight.

What is Pete Najarian’s career in options trading and television?

Pete began as an options trader in 1992. From 2000 to 2004, he was president of Mercury Trading.He co-founded optionMONSTER and Market Rebellion. On CNBC’s Fast Money, he shares his market knowledge and analysis.

What other ventures and advisory roles is Pete Najarian involved in?

Pete has a broad career beyond trading and TV. He helped start the online brokerage tradeMONSTER. He also advises for NaturalShrimp Inc., an aquaculture firm.

Who is Pete Najarian’s family?

Pete is married to Lisa Najarian. His dad is the well-known transplant surgeon John Najarian.He has three brothers, including Jon Najarian, who also works in options trading and on TV.

Where did Pete Najarian receive his education?

Pete’s alma mater is the University of Minnesota, where he also shined in football. He has a degree from there and has built a significant career in finance and TV.

What are Pete Najarian’s contributions to financial education?

He’s made a mark in financial education through optionMONSTER and Market Rebellion. These provide valuable trading strategies and education for options trading enthusiasts.

Where can I find Pete Najarian on social media?

Pete shares stock market insights and updates on Twitter. It’s a way for him to connect with people and share valuable market information.

What is the significance of Pete Najarian’s role on CNBC’s Fast Money?

Pete’s vast experience as an options trader enhances Fast Money on CNBC. He brings valuable insights to a broad audience there.

What is Pete Najarian’s overall career in finance?

Pete Najarian has built a remarkable finance career across trading and TV. Through his ventures, he continues to influence finance and options education.