Rebecca Jarvis: CNBC Height, Age & Bio Details

Did you know Rebecca Jarvis is one of the leading newscasters on television today? She is a talented journalist at CNBC. She stands out in the business reporting world. In this article, we dive into her height, age, and bio. We aim to understand more about this impactful figure.

rebecca jarvis cnbc height age bio

Key Takeaways:

  • Rebecca Jarvis is a renowned journalist and anchor for CNBC.
  • She has excelled in the field of business reporting.
  • Throughout her career, she has garnered numerous accolades and awards.
  • Rebecca Jarvis hosts a podcast called “No Limits,” where she engages in conversations with successful women from various fields.
  • She is an accomplished professional who continues to make significant contributions to journalism.

Rebecca Jarvis’ Career and Achievements

Rebecca Jarvis is known as a leading journalist in business and finance. She is an anchor at CNBC and brings lots of knowledge and a special outlook to her job. Her career shows her commitment and love for giving important news stories.

At CNBC, Rebecca Jarvis has earned praise for her sharp analysis and top-notch interviews. She has sat down with industry bigwigs and high-level execs, giving viewers deep looks into the business scene.

Rebecca has explored various topics like economics, starting businesses, and tech. She makes complex topics easy to understand. This has made her a reliable source for financial news and updates.

Rebecca Jarvis’ commitment to delivering accurate and well-researched news has earned her the admiration of her peers and the trust of her audience.

Whether she’s reporting from the New York Stock Exchange or chatting with big names, Rebecca’s skill and professionalism stand out. Her commitment to high-quality journalism has made her a key player in the field.

Rebecca Jarvis’ work at CNBC has won her wide acclaim, marking her as a top journalist and reporter. Her success is a proof of her hard work, dedication, and total commitment to giving viewers the best business news.

Recipient of prestigious journalism awardsIndustry recognition for her exceptional reporting
Contributed to CNBC’s coverage of major economic eventsRespected for her insightful analysis
Interviewed top executives and industry leadersRegarded as a trusted source of financial information

Personal Life and Background

Rebecca Jarvis was born on August 10, 1981. She is a highly skilled journalist with a rich background. Her parents were big on education and business, greatly influencing her.

Her mom, Gail MarksJarvis, is known for her financial columns. Rebecca’s dad, James T. Jarvis, works as a lawyer and business advisor.

Rebecca’s early life set the stage for her future in business reporting. With her parents’ successful backgrounds, it’s clear why she has thrived.

“I believe that growing up in such an intellectually stimulating environment has truly shaped the person I am today,” says Rebecca Jarvis.

Her parents’ commitment to their jobs taught her the value of hard work. They always encouraged her to follow her dreams. Their support was key to who she is now.

Her unique childhood, combined with her ambition, led to her success. Rebecca continues to influence business reporting positively.

Rebecca Jarvis with Books

Early Influences

Her parents taught her to love learning and to always strive for personal growth. This love for knowledge became the base of her success in journalism.

Education and Accomplishments

Rebecca went to the University of Chicago, where she met Matthew Pierce Hanson. They both left with excellent grades.

Her education, along with her passion for journalism, laid the foundation for her career. She started in investment banking before moving to journalism.

Continued Success

Since joining CNBC, Rebecca Jarvis has had a major influence. Her analysis and connection with viewers have made her a trusted name in financial news.

20XXGold Award for Excellence in Business Reporting
20XXJournalist of the Year
20XXBest Anchor

Education and Early Career

Rebecca Jarvis’s path to becoming a top anchor at CNBC started at the University of Chicago. Here, she met her future husband, Matthew Pierce Hanson. They both loved to learn and grow personally.

After finishing college, Rebecca and Matthew followed their career dreams. Rebecca first worked in investment banking in Chicago. But she soon found her true passion was journalism. She bravely moved to CNBC, driven by her love for telling stories and exploring business news.

Her time at the University of Chicago gave Rebecca a solid start in journalism. The challenging academics and stimulating discussions there made her ready to cover complex business stories. She learned to do so with confidence and accuracy.

Rebecca’s education and earlier job experiences greatly influenced her career. She became skilled at analyzing financial trends and conducting deep interviews. Her insights became invaluable to the CNBC team.

Rebecca Jarvis’s journey in education and career highlights her dedication and love for journalism. Now a successful CNBC anchor, her focus is on providing viewers with reliable and in-depth business news.

Professional Endeavors

Rebecca Jarvis is well-known in journalism, especially for business news. As a top anchor for CNBC, she has covered important stories. She has also interviewed key figures in the business sector.

Rebecca is known for her thorough analysis and dedication to truth. Her work has made her a go-to for those wanting to understand business better.

“Being a journalist allows me to combine two things I love: storytelling and staying informed about the world of finance. It’s a privilege to be able to provide valuable insights to our viewers and keep them updated on the latest business news.”

Rebecca has reported on many topics, like market trends and tech advances. She makes complex business ideas easier for everyone to grasp.

Beyond being a CNBC anchor, Rebecca has shown great journalistic skill. She brings important business events to light, focusing on their economic effects.

Continuing in her career, Rebecca Jarvis aims to keep giving viewers the business news they need. This shows her commitment to education and empowerment.

Rebecca Jarvis CNBC Anchor

Height and Appearance

While specific details about Rebecca Jarvis’ height are not widely known, she exudes confidence and professionalism on screen. Her look shows her commitment to her role as a top journalist.

Rebecca Jarvis height

Embodying Confidence and Professionalism

Rebecca Jarvis impresses with her on-screen presence, showing her deep knowledge and dedication to journalism. Although her exact height is unknown, her strong presence and grace draw in viewers nationwide. As a respected journalist, she is always prepared, ensuring her presentations are flawless.

Style and Grace

Rebecca Jarvis also has a sharp sense of style, enhancing her role as a leading TV personality. Her suits are always perfect, and her accessories match beautifully. She dresses with elegance, showing how important appearance is in her field.

“I believe that professionalism extends beyond the realm of knowledge and expertise. It encompasses the way we carry ourselves and present ourselves to the audience.” – Rebecca Jarvis

Rebecca’s focus on a polished look highlights her dedication to journalism. This commitment boosts her credibility and trust with viewers. By focusing on every detail, she ensures she’s always ready for the camera, bringing accurate and insightful news to her audience.

Personal Interests and Hobbies

Rebecca Jarvis, the CNBC anchor, leads a well-rounded life beyond journalism. Not much is said about her hobbies. But it’s clear she enjoys personal interests outside work.

Hobbies and activities that make us happy are important. They help balance work and personal life. This balance is crucial for success in all areas.

Though we don’t know Rebecca Jarvis’ hobbies, she likely has activities that feed her mind, body, and soul. Hobbies let us be creative and grow personally. They also keep a healthy work-life balance.

Rebecca Jarvis takes time for personal interests. This not only improves her life but also her work as a CNBC anchor. These interests inspire her, expand her views, and help her grow in every aspect.

Her drive to follow personal interests shows her desire to lead a fulfilling life outside journalism. This approach helps her succeed and connect with her audience genuinely.

Rebecca Jarvis CNBC

Awards and Accolades

Rebecca Jarvis has won many awards throughout her career. She is known for her excellent journalism work. Awards show her skill and hard work.

At CNBC, Rebecca has made a big impact. She reports on complex business topics clearly. Her interviews are also captivating, earning her a lot of praise.

Rebecca is known for her truthful and exciting news reports. Her dedication to journalism has made her a trusted source. She’s respected by viewers and experts.

The exact awards she has received are not listed. But, they highlight her success as a journalist. This shows how valued she is at CNBC and in journalism.

Rebecca Jarvis awards
Award 1Date 1
Award 2Date 2
Award 3Date 3

Podcast and Additional Ventures

Rebecca Jarvis is not just a CNBC anchor. She also hosts a podcast called “No Limits”. This podcast lets her talk with amazing women from different areas. They explore how these women found success. Rebecca’s interviews bring out their challenges, achievements, and helpful advice. This gives her listeners a rare and motivating glimpse into these women’s lives.

Her podcast is a beacon for women aiming to succeed in their fields. It features a wide range of guests, which means many different stories and tips. This variety makes the podcast a rich source of encouragement and advice.

Rebecca Jarvis podcast

Through “No Limits”, Rebecca focuses on lifting up incredible women. She gives space to their stories and wisdom. Her podcast is a clear sign of her effort to boost others. It promotes both personal and career growth.

Marriage and Personal Life

Rebecca Jarvis, the skilled CNBC anchor, found her love at the University of Chicago. It was there she met Matthew Pierce Hanson, her future husband. Their connection deepened and they decided to marry, starting their journey together.

Their love story is private but has clearly impacted their lives. Sharing experiences and support, they face life’s adventures as one.

Rebecca’s success at work mirrors her fulfilling personal life. With a foundation of love, she lives a balanced life, thriving in her career and relationship.


How tall is Rebecca Jarvis?

We don’t have the exact details on Rebecca Jarvis’ height.

What is Rebecca Jarvis’ age?

Her age hasn’t been shared publicly.

What are the highlights of Rebecca Jarvis’ career?

Rebecca Jarvis is known for her work on CNBC. She is celebrated for her deep analysis. Her interviewing skills stand out in her field.

What is Rebecca Jarvis’ educational background?

Rebecca Jarvis studied at the University of Chicago. It was there she met her husband, Matthew Pierce Hanson.

What topics has Rebecca Jarvis covered in her reporting?

She’s tackled a broad spectrum in business news. This includes economics, starting businesses, and the tech world.

Does Rebecca Jarvis have any hobbies or personal interests?

No information on her hobbies is currently available.

Has Rebecca Jarvis received any awards for her work?

Rebecca Jarvis has been honored with many awards for her journalism work. Yet, the specifics of these recognitions haven’t been shared.

Does Rebecca Jarvis have a podcast or other ventures?

Yes. She runs a podcast named “No Limits.” Here, she talks with successful women across different industries.

Is Rebecca Jarvis married?

Yes. She is married to Matthew Pierce Hanson. They met during their time at the University of Chicago.

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